Saturday 9 September 2017

Lesson Plan

Topic: How to prevent the spread of HIV amongst High School learners.

Leaning Outcomes
1. High school learners should be able to identify the contributions made by others of HIV, which will allow them to have disciplinary knowledge. 

2.  High school learners will be able to contribute to scholarly conversation by engaging with each other in their disciplinary topic.

3. Students will recognize that they are not consumers of knowledge but producers thereof.  

1. Students will conduct research using books and online resources to obtain information about HIV.

2.  Students will conduct a presentation of what they found on HIV; which will include how HIV is spread and how it can be prevented.

3. Students will create social media platforms such as blogging, Facebook and Twitter containing information about their topic, which will allow them to inform others of HIV. 

Knowledge practices

In terms of Activity 1; students will be able to identify the contribution that particular articles, books, and other scholarly pieces make to disciplinary knowledge;

In terms of Activity 2; Students will be able to contribute to scholarly conversation at an appropriate level when learning from each other about what research they found and sharing it with others.

In terms of Activity 3; Students will be able to see themselves as contributors to scholarship rather than only consumers of it; they will provide others with more information about HIV. The high school learners could formulate an awareness programme.  

                                                           Scholarly Conversation


  1. I like how you structured your lesson plan, covering all the relevant points and having students actively engage throughout

  2. Good Waseefa. Appropriate activities and good correlation between those and the knowledge practices. I have to fault you on the learning outcomes though. You should have focused more on learning outcomes that emphasise the Frame.So you should have included the KPs there.

  3. Thank you Ms. Shehaamah for the feedback, I will follow up on what you said.


Searching as Exploration

Good Afternoon All,  Today we are focusing on the last frame in the ACRL Framework. We are looking at Searching as Exploration.  ...