Wednesday 30 August 2017

Reflection Post for Scholarship as a Conversation.

Good Morning All,

1. What do you understand by the term Scholarship as a Conversation. 

Scholarly conversation means when academic students does research by taking ideas of others and combining it to their own It is when students are looking at multiple research that was done on a specific discipline/ topic in order to gain perspective in order to improve the theory or debate it. It allows students to come together and gain more insight from each other in order to voice their opinion.

2. Examples where you practiced this concept either in your workplace or as a student. 

Being a student ,scholarly conversation always takes place. In my final year as an undergraduate student, we had to do a research for the first time, unaware of how it was done, we had to do research on a specific topic which dealt with language. My friends and I, done several research on our topic, some debated the topic and others agreed on what we found in the research. Research is also conversation, which allows students to express their own ideas and build onto what they find. 

3. How may this concept enhanced in learners. 

One of my friend's studied in the EMS Faculty, he always told me that for one of his modules, they  were divided into group and their lecturer had given them topics to do research, they would either agree on what their topic or disagree on and they had t debate against their opponent. In the end the students received perspective on both sides of the topic. This helps inform students on the research that was done as well as allowing them to voice their own opinion on their work. It also allows students to gain the confidence to communicate with others.


  1. This is a good start Waseefa. I think you understand the core feature of this concept. There are other dimensions to this Frame which we will look at in class.

  2. Thank you Ms Shehaamah, I look forward to our next class.

  3. A lot of us probably used "Scholarship as a Conversation" at some stage, but were not aware of this theory.

  4. I agree, everything that we discuss in terms of academia is considered as "scholarly conversation".

  5. So true guys, its something we are doing unknowingly and unwittingly.


Searching as Exploration

Good Afternoon All,  Today we are focusing on the last frame in the ACRL Framework. We are looking at Searching as Exploration.  ...