Friday 25 August 2017

A Threshold Theory

Good Afternoon All,

So in today's blog we will be focusing on what a Threshold theory is.

So a threshold theory is a rite of passage that opens  up a new level of understanding.

Students tend to always experience this when doing research. They will always find themselves in a liminal state. A liminal state can be a crucial transition when learning new information.  
A“liminal” space which is challenging, unsettling, disturbing—where the student may become “stuck”

A Threshold theory is confined in disciplines.

There are  five characteristics of a Threshold namely; Transformative, Integrative, Bounded, Irreversible and Troublesome.

The Transformative  Concept is based on how learner's perceptions shifts leading to new understanding that then becomes a part of the learner, how they see and how they feel.

Integrative means that it enables students to integrate aspects of the subject they believe to be unrelated or exposes the previously hidden interrelatedness of something.

The Irreversible concept means that once you learn something new you cannot unlearn it. It will forever be with us. For example; Once you managed to bake a cake, you cannot unlearn how to bake the cake.

Bounded in that any conceptual space will have terminal frontiers, bordering with thresholds into new conceptual areas. 

Troublesome is usually difficult or counterintuitive ideas that can cause  students to hit a roadblock in their learning.

Here is a video to help you understand what the Threshold Concept is.

Hope this was helpful.

Until next time

Waseefa posted.

1 comment:

Searching as Exploration

Good Afternoon All,  Today we are focusing on the last frame in the ACRL Framework. We are looking at Searching as Exploration.  ...