Thursday 21 September 2017

Lesson Plan 2: Research as Inquiry

Research as inquiry is iterative and depends upon asking increasingly complex or new questions whose answers in turn develop additional questions or lines of inquiry in any field. Experts see inquiry as a process that focuses on problems or questions in a discipline or between disciplines that are open or unresolved.standards framework

There is always a process to finding information and we always asking more questions on that particular topic instead of answering the question.  Below is the process of Inquiry and research. 

So for today, we will design a lesson plan for research as inquiry. 

The topic for today is Information behavior of undergraduate students at UCT.

Learning Outcomes. 

1. Students will be able to seek appropriate help in obtaining information. 

2. Students will be able to organize information in meaningful ways.

3. Students will follow ethical procedure and legal guidelines in gathering and using  the information that they found. 


1.Students will need to utilize academic online resources and printed materials, which will allow them to seek help from librarians.  They will have to use the library catalogue in order to find the information they require.  The students will have to use academic databases such as A-Z Databases, Google Scholar and Journal Articles. The students will also have to use printed materials within the library or seek printed materials from other institutions using Inter library loans. This way students will be able to know where to obtain help and have the confidence to seek it in future to get information.

2. Students will have to do a literature review on information behvaiour of undergraduate students and present it on Prezi. The students will get a month to conduct their literature review, with an additional week to do their layout for the presentation. This will allow the students to bring information together as well as finding new information to draw a conclusion.

3. Students will have to get ethical clearance by the committee in order to conduct their research.  The students will also draw up a consent form in which will inform patrons of their research being done. 

Knowledge Practices

In terms of Activity 2, after the students have gathered their information, the students will organize the information, make meaningful observations and ways in which they will be able to bring information together. 


In terms of Activity 1,students will have to use the library resources, which will allow them to seek help from librarians. This way students will be able to know where to obtain help and have the confidence to seek it in future to get information.

In terms of Activity 3, students will follow ethical and legal guidelines when gathering and using information. They will know how to conduct proper research in the future. 


  1. Yes, the ethical clearance is very important!
    It is good research practice!!

  2. Good attempt Waseefa. Please expand on activity 1. Explain what the librarian will ask students to do. What types of sources; how many; which retrieval tools?
    Activity 2: you mean " literature review". Also state here that students are given a few weeks to do this....a literature reviw requires a lot of time.
    Good idea for activity 3.


Searching as Exploration

Good Afternoon All,  Today we are focusing on the last frame in the ACRL Framework. We are looking at Searching as Exploration.  ...