Saturday 12 August 2017

Reflection Post

Good Morning All

Welcome to the Guidelines of Information Literacy.

Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaulate and use effectively the needed information.

We will be exploring through the History and Development of Information Literacy and how important it is to have the skills required to obtain valuable information.  

We were taught about librarians being a teaching library and that there is also a bibliographic instruction. 
Bibliographic instruction (BI), is user education and library orientation, consists of "instructional programs designed to teach library users how to locate the information they need quickly and effectively.  

Teaching Libray can seen as staff who see themselves as educators and assisting with student learning.  The library also focuses on teaching as a direct activity and as a support activty.

In today's life we have digital support, which provides users to obtain information using the internet.
Users no longer requires library as repository but centres of supporting teaching and learning. 

Cannot wait to see what will be taught in next week lesson, 
Until next time,
 Waseefa posted


Searching as Exploration

Good Afternoon All,  Today we are focusing on the last frame in the ACRL Framework. We are looking at Searching as Exploration.  ...