Welcome to my blog, today we will be focusing on information creation as a process.
What is Information creation as a process?
Information Creation as a Process. Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising, and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences process
We were asked to get 5 sources on the research topic that was given to us and with the five sources, we are to recreate a minimum of three sources which will be included for all to view.
Below is the five sources that were found on Breast Cancer in South Africa.
Academic Journal
Matatiele, P.R. & Van den Heever, W.M.J. (2008). South African Family Practice - Breast cancer
profiles of women presenting with newly diagnosed breast cancer at
Universitas Hospital (Bloemfontein, South Africa) : scientific letter. South
African Family Practice, Volume 50, Issue 6, p. 48 – 49.
Krista Curley. Metastatic Breast Cancer: Now What? September
22, 2017
The Citizen.
Peer Reviewed
Somdyala, N.I; Parkin, D.M; Sithole, N & D Bradshaw. (2015).Trends in cancer
incidence in rural Eastern Cape Province; South Africa, 1998-2012. International journal
of cancer, 136(5), Pages
The reason for choosing these formats is, because it relates to my research topic and it is credible sources. It is used for academic purposes as provide information for people to use. These platforms are made available for people to get information and to be heard. Breast Cancer is a disease that most women undergo and some people need to find ways to help others that are in need and by doing this, they are sharing their stories.
Recreation of information:
1) Academic Journal into a Blogger post.
I will be converting the Academic Journal Article,http://journals.co.za/- Journal Article into a blog post. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.
I will be converting the Academic Journal Article,http://journals.co.za/- Journal Article into a blog post. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.
The reason for choosing this platform is because, I would like people to know more about breast cancer. By using this platform people would be able to communicate with each other and conversations would be taking place.
2) An online newspaper article into a prezi presentation.
3) A website http://www.breastcancer.org/ into a libguide.
4. A peer reviewed article http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijc.29224/epdf into a PDF news article
Thank you.
3) A website http://www.breastcancer.org/ into a libguide.
4. A peer reviewed article http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijc.29224/epdf into a PDF news article
Thank you.